Top 10 Hardest Dog Breeds to Train (Updated Guide)

Tabishh Pets
12 Min Read

It might be challenging to know where to begin when you and your family decide that the time is right to obtain a dog. How do you choose from the several breeds? Choose a rescue animal or one from a breeder.

And first-time dog owners may wonder which breeds of dogs are the most challenging to train. There are some breeds that are perceived as being harder to raise and train than others, while there are always other factors at work besides species alone.

Following is a list of the top 10 most challenging dog breeds to train for both first-time dog owners looking to take the easy route and wanting to avoid challenging and stubborn puppies, as well as just as much, if not more, for more ambitious dog owners who feel ready to take on more of a project (tough dogs need love too!).

Before getting started, it’s crucial to realize that even the most challenging breeds may become wonderful pets for committed owners. If you know what you’re getting yourself into, the rewards may appear higher than those with the “easy-to-train” dog breeds.

Of course, the owner is ultimately responsible, regardless of the breed. Regardless of the circumstances, you should have a wonderful companion if you have fair expectations and know how to educate your dog appropriately.


A Rottweiler’s size is what strikes you about them right away. Despite being incredibly beautiful, dogs have a scary aspect. Despite having a negative reputation occasionally, they are among the canines that are most devoted to their owners. They might even stop and lay down for their owner in the middle of the road.

Sadly, that is where the issue is. If they are not properly taught, Rotties can become too protective of their owners and frequently snap at random individuals without provocation if they feel their safety is in danger. Although they are frequently playful, when being trained, they can be obstinate and snarl to express disapproval.

Also, they will often listen to no one but their owner. If you’re considering a Rottweiler, get professional help to learn how to properly train them.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Pit bulls are viewed as fighting dogs by the general public, and regrettably, they have frequently been bred for that purpose for many generations. They are also among the breeds that defend themselves the most adamantly in the realm of animal rescue, although they can be trickier to teach. They can be among the most affectionate, devoted, and sociable dogs, but they can also be very temperamental.

They frequently lack self-awareness, making it challenging to teach children to play softly and recognize their own strengths. When trained correctly, a Pit Bull is nothing more than an active teddy bear, but getting there requires a lot of commitment and perseverance.

Siberian Husky

Despite being one of the most attractive canines around, huskies are not without their challenges. They are a tremendously energetic breed that needs focused training, especially when they are puppies. Siberian Huskies are working dogs who have historically pulled sleds, therefore they require a job to be happy.

They might be challenging for the typical owner to maintain since they will misbehave when bored. The husky may benefit by being paired with another dog, but this could make the problems worse.


Bullmastiffs are powerful dogs that can easily outweigh an adult human. However, they tend to be quite docile and people-pleasers. Bullmastiffs have the problem that they frequently get along poorly with other canines.

This breed is challenging to train because of its size, which limits your options if they become uncooperative. They frequently struggle to comprehend their position as the dog to a human. And the saliva? That, however, is a quite different problem.

Chinese Shar-Pei

Although they have a hard time interacting with people and are not regarded as a very sociable breed, these cute-looking canines can be challenging. Territorial behavior is common in Shar-Peis. This breed frequently needs to be restrained by owners to prevent attacks on guests, strangers, or other animals.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a breed that is highly intelligent and frequently has cat-like personality comparisons. This is because they frequently disobey your directions and prompts and instead do whatever they want, whenever they want. This breed may first seem to respond well to training but subsequently decide he doesn’t want to pay attention. An owner may find this to be quite frustrating, thus they should be aware of this before choosing this breed.

Basset Hound

In fact, Basset Hounds have a reputation for being challenging to housebreak. You and your family could find it very frustrating if this process takes longer than usual. A Basset will always follow his nose as a hound, regardless of what you may tell him to do. Whatever the circumstances, it must locate the scent’s source. With a Basset Hound, positive reinforcement works best, but regardless of your approach, these are challenging behaviors to break.


Beagles are unquestionably adorable dogs, but they may be challenging to teach. They are a high-energy type of dog, and because of this, they frequently have trouble understanding and following your instructions. Additionally, they enjoy barking, which may bother you and your neighbors. If they don’t get enough exercise, they also frequently start having weight problems.


The popularity of the Bulldog dog breed has recently increased. It is a charming but independent type. Bulldogs may appear to be simple because all they do is sleep and eat, but they frequently don’t want to listen either. Despite the fact that they don’t require a lot of movement, they can be trained, but it could take a little more effort than with other breeds.

Chow Chow

For any owner, teaching their Chow Chow good behavior can be a challenging endeavor. They are a dominant breed that is frequently also stubborn. The disposition of a chow can also skew aggressive, particularly when meeting new people or other animals. Additionally, they are considered to be easily envious and to be attention-seekers.

Tips for Training a Stubborn Dog

The process of training a dog can be quite frustrating, but it’s vital to realize that you’re not alone and that support is there for you if and when you need it.

Owners who don’t or won’t ask for assistance frequently wind up giving their dogs away. This is why it’s so crucial to keep trying. Even the most difficult dogs can be trained to make excellent pets. It may only require asking for assistance or altering your training regimen and technique.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that dogs who don’t listen aren’t always evil dogs. The way dogs behave simply differs from the way people behave. And it’s possible that your dog won’t behave exactly the way you anticipate them to. It will take time and effort to alter both your dog’s behavior and your expectations.

And you don’t have to stop using all of your training methods just because things aren’t going well. Sometimes a minor adjustment can have a significant impact. A professional’s assistance can be extremely helpful in this situation.

Here are a few things you can try to assist in teaching your dog’s stubbornness.

Take Your Time

You must start small. How successfully the training goes may frequently depend on your expectations as a dog owner. Make sure you continue with the strategies that appear to be effective when training challenging dogs and start rewarding even minor advancements or accomplishments. Make sure your dog understands the value of training, and only make little changes to their daily schedule at a time. Take it slow; if your training is too difficult, both you and your dog will give up.

Remove Distractions

Try your best to keep your dog’s attention during training. You shouldn’t begin your training in the middle of a dog park full of other canines. Instead, try a peaceful part of your house. Toys and other items that could distract your dog should be put away. If you must go outside, confine your dog to a fenced-in area or keep him on a leash.

Consistency is Key

This goes along with keeping your dog’s schedule as consistent as possible. Maintaining a regular training schedule is what actually reinforces the lessons you’re attempting to teach your dog. You will only confuse the animal if you frequently change your cues and training methods. Make sure everyone is teaching the dog the same manner if you have additional family members. Stubbornness will only result from confusion!

Don’t Punish Your Dog

Although it can be irritating when your dog doesn’t comply with your training, punishing them will only make matters worse. Punishment can cause your dog to become more anxious, raise their chance of being aggressive, and lose trust in you. Instead, go for training that emphasizes positive reinforcement and is reward-based. When your dog behaves improperly, divert him to positive behavior and then praise him for that.

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